Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How I Feel About Lawyers

I feel most lawyers are unethical and one sided but to win cases that is the type of person they must be. Law is a cut throat subject to fight for due to the fact the world is not black and white but may shades of gray. This mean the lines between right and wrong can be very blurry. When I think of lawyers I think of a liar someone who would stop at nothing to win. Sometimes I think the world would be a happier place without lawyers, but then I realize the world would be unbalanced. Just like the world needs trees it as needs the dirty to grow the trees. However there are other lawyers who do try to do the right thing in life and fight for the good guy. The problem with those types of lawyers they never get to the top of their industry it is the sad and dirty truth about being a lawyer. Truth is told it is the same in every industry there are bad people who will stop at nothing to get ahead and people who try to get to the top the right way through hard work. In law the bad lawyers just stick out like a sore thumb.

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